Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hello ladies and gentlemen...
I pray you all had a wonderful holiday! I know I did. Busy but good. You know, I've been thinking a lot about feelings and emotions lately. As the holiday season approaches, I begin to think about what this time really means and you know what it depresses me a little. Now don't get me wrong, I love the idea of celebrating the birth of my Lord and Savior and I'm really looking forward to my daughter being able to participate in the festivities but on a personal note, I feel lonely and empty. I know with God my life is full and that I'm never alone, but I do find myself missing companionship and having someone to smile and share the good spirit with. I can't believe I'm opening up to you but, hey you are all my family and friends--who better to be vulnerable with?
I'm sharing this to say that if you have a significant other, a beautiful family, etc. Appreciate it. I know no one and nothing is perfect, but thank God for what you do have. Now not to confuse things, I am happy with the conclusions and decisions that I've made. I'm now in a better place, mentally and spiritually. It's just hard when you are used to sharing your life with someone to no longer have that. So with that being said, keep me in your prayers and I will do the same for you.. This post challenge: I challenge you to think about your life and relationships, how you treat others and how others perceive you. Are you doing unto others how you would like done unto you? Are you taking those you love for granted? Until later my friends, keep smiling and striving.. remember God's got your back!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving my beautiful people!! Well  I have to say I sat today and really thought about Thanksgiving and the point of it. I wondered  why only one day is designated to show how appreciative you are for God's blessings. Now I know the history behind the holiday and that's not what  Thanksgiving  was initially created for, but let's be honest the things that we are thankful for came from our merciful father so I kind of tweaked the thought a little bit. :-) Well I'm going to let you in on a few things I'm thankful for.. First that God gave me life and made me the woman that I am. I wouldn't trade places with any other woman in this world. Second for my beautiful daughter, family, friends,church, our wonderful troops, and of course all of you and that's just to name a few! 
Now I have to tell you today was a long one! After work, went straight to choir practice, then came home and started Thanksgiving dinner. I am really tired so this post will be short...But I can't leave you without a challenge... Today I challenge you to really think about what you are thankful for and why. How would your life be without  it? Hit me up and let me know your thoughts.... 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Hello my wonderful peeps! I want to chat with you about limits and how I've discovered that I've been limiting myself in a lot of areas of my life. Have you ever been in a situation where you are just unsure of the choice to make because you don't want to make a mistake? I tell you I've been there more times than I can count but I noticed where my lack in taking risks have possibly held me back from some great opportunities. I know it's been a minute since my last post but that was because I was thinking back on my life and how I've grown so much this past year. I want to tell each and every one of you... DON'T LIMIT YOURSELF or get in your own way of greatness! I realized that I was afraid to take a chance on just life period. Now I'm not saying throw caution to the wind, you still have to use your common sense :). It's hard to take a step forward when you don't know which way that you are going, but as long as you have God guiding you remember you can never get lost. I've just realized that so expect to have some good posts in the future...
One thing I'm going to start doing at the end of my posts is challenging you.. so this posts challenge is to really take a minute to think about where you are and where you want to go with your life and see if you are limiting your self in any way. Think about it and hit me back! Oh and DON'T FORGET TO SCROLL DOWN AND VOTE!! :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

Last Night's Candle Light Vigil

Last night in Springfield, OH a candle light vigil was held to show support against the needless shootings/killings that have been taking place not only in that community but in communities all over the United States. Our young people are being senselessly gunned down and it's time for this to COME TO AN END!! We need to come together as a people and a community and provide our youth with positive events and organizations to participate in so that things like this can be prevented. Remember my people FAST MONEY = FAST DEATH I know that things are hard and they are not getting any easier, but involving yourself in situations in which you know you have no business doesn't make things better. Is a fast 20, 100, heck grand worth your life?? Think about it.... Let me know what you think.. Oh and check out my mom below at the vigil you can tell she's tired of this foolishness!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My First Halloween...

Now folks I can specifically say I do not remember my first Halloween but in the spirit of everything I am trying to make my daughter's first Halloween special. Today we went to church yeah I know church to a Halloween event they had for the youth. Now at first I was thinking "How does Halloween fit in with church, I mean really?" and you know what I really still don't know. So I would like to hear your comments on that, but I digress. (You will find that I do this a lot anyways...) So I take my daughter and it's really nice. They have hot dogs, chips, juice, goody bags and the kids got coloring books and crayons. They also showed a cute movie called Spooky Buddies by Disney. The sad thing is that there were only 2 other kids besides Tear!!! Out of all the children in church and in our community we only had 2 kids to come and they weren't even members of our church. This saddened me and made me think of how we as parents complain that there is nothing for the children to do but when positive places have events we don't support them.
Now Halloween isn't one of my favorite holidays besides getting free candy but I remember as a child really looking forward to dressing up and being with my friends. I remember going to one house on Halloween and it had a coffin in the yard, well after I got my candy Jason jumped out of the coffin and chased me with a real chain saw, I swear I almost peed on myself. Jason laughed so hard that he dropped the chainsaw and had to take off his mask to show me he wasn't real. Well I wasn't buying it I remember kicking him dead in the nuts! Then it was my turn to laugh! LOL  Do any of you have good Halloween stories! Hit me up. Oh and DON'T FORGET TO VOTE AT THE END OF THE BLOG! WHAT'S WORSE...

Friday, October 21, 2011

It's Friday!!!! Home Coming Time!!!

Ok loyal page viewers (yeah I know, no followers yet but it's going to happen LOL) so it's Friday and I know you are wondering "What's are you going to be up to?" Well the truth is I have no idea. I have some thoughts in the works but nothing solidified. So holla at me, what's going on besides the Home Coming here at Wittenberg?
In thinking about Home Coming, I started remembering how college life was and I must say I really enjoyed my college experience. When I was in school... we (the African-Americans on campus) stuck together and had each other's back. It didn't matter if you were pledging and needed some place to hide, wanted help in a particular subject, or was having personal matters, we were there for each other. There wasn't any hating at least not to your face, and we created our own fun. Shoot calling up a few people to just hang out and play cards at the Black Cultural house was the thing to do! We also had seperate activities and events planned for Home Coming. Now as I walk around campus I barely see "us" hanging together. I was told our only African-American sorority on campus  no longer had membership but was still active and to me that's sad!! This fall Wittenberg took in the largest population of African-American students in it's history a whopping 50+. Prayerfully they can come together and bring back the good ol' days where you socialized with everyone, but was still true to self.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

So why is it when it's pours!

Ok people so today I had to start off my new Life Happens blog with a funny story. Today all of the drivers who pick up our students for their workshop were not available so guess who pushed the big van! That's right my people and guess who was driving when the inside of the van started smoking??! You've got it again ME! Turns out the fire estinguisher had busted in the van previous to me driving it and when air it it the dust made it look like the inside of the van was smoking. So my students being the darlings they are, all jump out of the van shouting "Fire" and "I'm going to die" when all of a sudden it was discovered what was causing the smoke. So needless to say my kids were about 5 mins late to their workshop but I'm sure they didn't mind that as I think they were trying to delay me anyway :-). I had to shrug my shoulder and just say... "Heck Life Happens". Now this story was a little lame compared to what I have to share with you but I had to start off this journey slow... Stay tuned for the next episode..

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The first of many...

Welcome to my new blog. I must say this was inspired by my big/little sister as a way to vent, laugh, and just share how LIFE happens to the best of us. I will be posting material related to all facets of life both the good and the bad. So look forward to the first official post prayerfully coming tomorrow. Can't wait to share with you!!!